Returns & Exchanges

To be eligible for a return, items must be unused and in their original packaging. Used items will be rejected, and refunds will not be processed. If you need to return your order, please email us at

For damaged or lost items during delivery:

  • Damaged Items: Please email us with photos of the damaged packaging and item. We can offer a replacement or a refund, provided the responsibility for the damage lies with the delivery company.
  • Lost Parcels: If your package hasn’t arrived within 15 business days after the expected delivery date, contact us to raise an inquiry. We will assist in forwarding the issue to the postal company for investigation.

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, we can process a return for a refund. Please note that used items cannot be returned. We recommend using a trackable shipping method for returns.

Returns are not accepted for custom personalized cookie cutters, as these items are made specifically for you and are not resalable. We can only offer exchanges for damaged or defective custom products, not for changes of mind.

For any issues with damaged parcels or product quality, please reach out to our friendly team at

Shipping FAQ

We make and ship cookie cutters from our workshop in London, UK to the following countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxeumbourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Once your order has been dispatched, you'll receive an automated tracking number via email. If you don’t see the email or need further assistance, just reach out to us at, and we’ll be delighted to help!

For orders going to the United States, customs duties will not apply if the total order value is less than USD$800. If your order exceeds this amount, customs charges may apply upon arrival, and we are not responsible for these fees.

For orders shipped to EU countries, we handle all customs clearance and related paperwork if the total order value is less than €150 EUR, so no extra duties should apply. However, for orders exceeding €150 EUR, you might face customs or import charges upon arrival. Please note that we cannot cover these charges.

Please be aware that some international orders may incur customs or import charges upon arrival in the destination country. We are not responsible for these additional fees.